Thursday, May 28, 2015

Alphabet Prompt

All he could say was I don’t know. Basically he didn’t know very much. Course he didn’t do too well in school. Don’t you know how to read, the kids would ask. Even the teachers complained, if he doesn’t know a B from an A how can we teach him? Forget me he’d say, just teach the others. Get out of here, the kids would sneer, school isn’t a place for kids who think an N is an M. How come you never learned, how come you didn’t get it? It was clear he knew his math, but the alphabet wasn’t for him. Just because I can’t get past F doesn’t mean I’m dumb, he said and they all laughed. Knowing it can’t be that hard, he yelled across the class. Let’s see him try and do this, after all these years of not knowing the kids laughed. More and more he studied, his A’s and B’s and C’s. No longer will they think I’m dumb, no longer will they doubt me. Over and over again, he’d say the letters out loud, A then C, or is it B? Practice, practice, practice. Quail starts with Q. Rocket is an R. Studying the letters over and over, until he almost had them all. Time consuming it was, although it did the trick. Ukulele starts with U. Vermont with a V. Wait I think I have it! X. Y. Z. 

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