Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Picture Perfect 2

We set fire, the two of us. Fifteen of my friends and I all ventured to the cove, just along the shore line. Our parents had no clue where we were, but we didn’t care, we wanted to feel free for one night. We ventured along the sand, the bottoms of our feet blistered from the scorching sand. As sunset fell, we lay our blankets out along the shore line, circled around the small fire we had burning. As everyone sat down to enjoy the fire and the marshmallows we brought to roast, I decided I wanted to take a walk. Through the slim dirt path I roamed, finding my way through the brush. The air was warm but had a damp breeze that made my salty hair flow behind me. As I sat down on a boulder, I came to a realization that he was following me through the brush. He sat down next to me, without a word. As the sun fell, my head did upon his shoulder. I could feel him laying his eyes upon me, but I didn’t look up at him, just at the setting sun. The sky was painted like fire, and I could feel it in every aspect of this moment. As I rose my head to gaze upon his, I saw the same fire that was painted across the setting sky. Burning passion, wild colors that made your heart rush and your own eyes wonder. The flames of the sky weren’t the one that caught mine, it was the burning flames that beheld down at me in two beaming sockets. As the sky burnt out, the only light that lit was those two passionate flames. Together we scorched there until there was nothing left to burn. 

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